Monday, 9 December 2013

Start a Azotobacter Biofertilizer Manufaturing Unit

 Start a Azotobacter Biofertilizer Manufaturing Unit



Azotobacter is an aerobic soil microbe which facilitates nitrogen fixation. We have come up with a variety of Azotobacters which are playing a vital role in agriculture industry. These microorganisms are also used for biotechnological applications. Offered in liquid form, these are available in moisture proof packings.

Azotobacter is a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacterium, which is used as a biofertilizer in the cultivation of most crops. A specific strain of Azotobacter chroococcum has been isolated from the rhizosphere of mulberry plant and tested by the CSR&TI, Mysore under in vivo and in vitro conditions and has found to be very effective. The laboratory has recommended application of the Azotobacter biofertilizer at the rate of 20 kg per hectare per year and this assures a substantial saving of nitrogen fertilizer (about 50 % reduction in N requirement). This indirectly reduces the costs involved in the silkworm rearing aspects as well as the soil health is improved by increased microbial activity.
The process of mass multiplication of the microbial culture and packing in polythene bags along with a carrier (preferably lignite or coal) has been standardized. The process ensures a minimum of 108viable cells of Azotobacter per gram of carrier on dry weight basis within 15 days of preparation and 107 viable cells before the expiry date (As per the BIS norms). The shelf life of the biofertilizer is six months from date of manufacture. The Process requires locally available plant, machinery and raw materials for manufacture. The mass culture can be done by shake-flask or by using a fermentor depending on the investment capability. The culture is then mixed with the carrier material under hygienic conditions and packed immediately. The batch number and expiry date are immediately affixed on each bag. Normally, packets are available in 250 g, 500 g, 1.0 kg and 5.0 kg denominations.
The CSR&TI has conducted field trials of this biofertilizer in their Regional Stations as well as in the farmer's field. It has given good results and is widely accepted by the Sericulture Farmers of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala under irrigated condition.
List of Machinery: Gyratory Shaker/Industrial Fermentor, S.S. Mixing Drum, Incubator Shaker, Autoclaves, Analytical Balances, Deep Freezer, Polythene Bag Sealing Machine, Research Microscope, Miscellaneous Laboratory Equipments, etc.

·  Azotobacter are tolerant to high salts.
·  Azotobacter is heaviest breathing organism and requires a large amount of organic carbon for its growth.
·  It is poor competitor for nutrients in soil and hence its growth promoting substances, fungistatic substances.
·  It can benefit crops by Nitrogen fixation, growth promoting substances, fungi static substances.
·  Azotobacter is less effective in soils with poor organic matter content.
·  It improves seed germination and plant growth
·  It thrives even in alkaline soils.

Use as Fertilizer
It is recommended the application of the Azotobacter biofertilizer at the rate of 20 kg per hectare per year and this assures a substantial saving of nitrogen fertilizer (about 50 % reduction in N requirement). This indirectly reduces the costs involved in the silkworm rearing aspects as well as the soil health is improved by increased microbial activity.The process of mass multiplication of the microbial culture and packing in polythene bags along with a carrier (preferably lignite or coal) has been standardized.
The process ensures a minimum of 108 viable cells of Azotobacter per gram of carrier on dry weight basis within 15 days of preparation and 107 viable cells before the expiry date (As per the BIS norms). The shelf life of the biofertilizer is six months from date of manufacture. The Process requires locally available plant, machinery and raw materials for manufacture. The mass culture can be done by shake-flask or by using a fermentor depending on the investment capability. The culture is then mixed with the carrier material under hygienic conditions and packed immediately. The batch number and expiry date are immediately affixed on each bag. Normally, packets are available in 250 g, 500 g, 1.0 kg and 5.0 kg deno minations.

How to apply bio-fertilizer ?

·  Seed inoculationOn the basis of efficiency of Azotobacter, other micro-organisms present in the soil, benefits obtained from biofertilizer and expenditure it has been fixed to use Azotobacter - bio-fertilizer at the rate of 250 g biofertilizer for 10-15 kg. If one knows this proportion then take a definite quantity of seed to be inoculated. The required quantity of fresh biofertilizer is secured and a slurry is made by adding adequate, quantity of water. This slurry is uniformly applied to seed, seed is then dried in shed and sown. Some stickers are used in order to adher biofertilizer to seeds. Viz. Jaggery or gum arebia.

·  Seedling inoculationThis method of inoculation is used where seedlings are used to grow the crop. In this method, seedlings required for one acre are inoculated using 4-5 packets (2-2.5 kg). For this, in a bucket adequate quantity of water is taken and biofertilizer from these packets is added to bucket and mixed properly. Roots or seedlings are then dipped in this mixture so as to enable roots to get inoculum. These seedlings are then transplanted e.g. Tomato, Rice, Onion, Cole, Crops, flowers.

·  Self inoculation or tubez inoculation:In this method 50 litres of water is taken in a drum and 4-5 kg of Azotobacter biofertilizer is added and mixed properly. Sets are required for one acre of land are dipped in this mixture. Potato tubers are dipped in the mixture of biofertilizer and planting is done.

Soil Application

This method is mostly used for fruit crops, sugarcane, and trees. At the time of planting fruit tree 20 g of biofertilizer mixed with compost is to be added per sappling, when trees became matured the same quantity of biofertilizer is applied.
In sugarcane after two to three months of planting i.e. before earthing up 5-6 kg of biofertilizer per acre is applied by mixing with compost or soil. Although, Azotobacter fixes nitrogen non-symbiotically, it also fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the rhizospere region i.e. soil around the seedlings or trees. Biofertilizer applied to seed or seedlings bacteria remain around seeds or seedlings and use organic carbon for their metabolism. When seeds are germinated or seedlings set in soil they leave or exude root exudates which become food of these bacteria. They grow on these substances which include sugars, organic acids, amino acids and fix atmospheric nitrogen most efficiently. Nitrogen so fixed by these bacteria becomes available to plants after dead and degradation of bacterial cells.

Bio Fertilizer Storage

The storage periods for biofertilizer must think in conditions, such temperature and humidity.


Azotobacter Biofertilizer is nitrogen fixing bio inoculant suitable for all crops. GreenMax AgroTech is capable to produce ten tonnes of technical grade Azotobacter chrococcum per day. This product is also available in combination with Azospirillum as combined formulation.

Brand name: Gmax Nitromax 

Product Details: 
    Gmax Nitromax is combined product of Azotobacter and Azospirillum.Azospirillum works well with all crops where as Azotobacter gives excellent results when soils have rich organic matter content (more than 2%). As a combined product of Azospirillum and Azotobacter, Gmax Nitromax combines the benefits of both inoculants in a single formulation. 


The product is available as liquid formulation and lignite carrier based formulation. 


·         Azospirillum & Azotobacter  1% (w/w)
·         Sticking agent – CMC – 1%.
·         Inactive Ingredients 98.0% (w/w)
·         (Moisture 35%, lignite 63%)


    Carrier based formulation is available in attractive one kg laminated poly pouches. The packing is moisture proof and well tolerates transportation and handling. The product is also supplied in bulk packing of 50kg/25 kg sizes in HDPE bags.   
    Liquid formulation is available in one lr HDPE containers and in 200 lr barrels. 


Azotobacter is a freel living nitrogen fixing bacterium. Azotobacter lives in association with plant roots and fixes atmospheric nitrogen in readily available form to plants. Predominant species used as biofertilizers are Azotobacter chroococcum and Aztobacter vinelandii. The important note is, Azotobacter is high respiring organism and hence works well in the soils having sufficient organic matter. 

Method of application:

The mixture of Azotobacter, Azospirillum (Gmax Nitromax) and phosphate solublizing bacteria (Gmax Phosphomax) can be used for non-leguminous crops-like cereals, oilseeds cotton, vegetable and all other crops which are usually planted as seeds. 

Seed treatment: 

For one kg of seeds about 40 grams of Gmax Nitromax product is required. Mix required quantity of Gmax Nitromax with equal quantity of Rice gruel. With this mixture, mix the required amount of seeds shade dry and after 24 hours, use the seeds of sowing. 

Seedling Root dip: 

Mix 2 Kg of Gmax Nitromax with 50 lits of water. In this mixture, keep the seedling roots in immersed condition for 10 minutes and use the seedlings for transplantation in the field. 

Soil application: 

Mix about 5 kgs Gmax Nitromax with 100 kgs of organic manure, keep the mixture under shade for one week and apply to the soil. 

Drip irrigation: 

Dilute five kgs of Nitromax in 100 litrs of chemicals free, good quality water. Filter the mixture with a pure cloth; use the filtered solution in drip irrigation for one acre.  

Drip irrigation Mix about one lr of Gmax Nitromax liquid formulation in 100 litrs of chemicals free, good quality water. Filter the mixture with a pure cloth; use the filtered solution in drip irrigation for one acre.  

Recommended crops: 

Gmax Nitromax is recommended for all crops except all kinds of legumes. Gmax Nitromax can be used along with Gmax Phosphomax, Gmax Tricon and Gmax Fyton to provide nitrogen, phosphatic nutrition and to provide plant protection from diseases along with plant growth promotion.


  1. Thank you for giving information about biofertilizer. Biofertilizers are used to improve the fertility of the land by using biological wastes and biological wastes do not contain any chemicals which are harmful to the living soil. Biofertilizers generate plant nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus through their activities in the soil and make available to plants in a gradual manner.

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