Wednesday 26 October 2011

Start a Artificial Flowers Business


(167) Start a Artificial Flowers Business
Silk and other artificial flowers manufactured today are breathtakingly real and must be touched if they are to be distinguished from nature's own. Silk trees bring the outdoors into sterile offices, and flower arrangements change the color and feel of a room for a relatively small investment. Hobbyists find them a joy to work with and take pleasure in completing arrangements that make beautiful, lasting gifts and ornaments.
The vast improvements in the quality of artificial flowers as well as lifestyles that demand carefree home decorating accessories have caused a flowering of the artificial flower industry into a multi-billion-dollar business. Many of the individual flowers, stems, and foliage are now imported from Thailand, China, and Honduras where the intensive hand labor can be acquired more readily.
 flowers allow home decorators to defy the seasons, not only by having summer blooms in the dead of winter but by mixing flowers from several seasons in a single display. Some manufacturers use real materials to enhance silk flowers, such as inserting artificial branches in real tree trunks. Real touches are also added to the false flora; leaves may have holes that look like insect damage, silk roses are complete to the thorns, and some fabulous fakes are even fragrant. Their ultimate attraction may be their least natural aspects; these plants don't need water, fertilizer, sunlight, or tender care.
Most people do not think about the fact that a flower is really expensive or that they last so temporarily when cut. The good news is that there are exceptional alternative to spending so much money on something that will only last a few days: artificial flowers. There is so much use of flowers that you may be surprised to know how much all your actual interest cost. You see them growing in the gardens or decorate the table as a center or an elegant dress of young girls at the prom. They are provided as a proof of love and affection to celebrate birthdays, Valentine’s Day, engagement, anniversaries, and other special days between two lovers.
They provide the decorations at various events such as the popular bridal shower, weddings, banquets and graduation ceremonies. For each important occasion, consider replacing real flowers with artificial flowers. You will not regret you did. Artificial flowers are great. They look like real flowers, so you do not have to worry about sacrificing one of the main reasons people love interest: their beauty. Your friends and visitors may not know that you’ve been using an artificial flower because of their quality continues to rise. Whether you are planning a special party or find the perfect flowers to include in your bridal bouquet, you can be sure that artificial flowers you choose will have all the beauty that you want.
Often when planning for the big event, the burden is something that should be considered. If you are looking for ways to save money, one of the first things to consider is the use of artificial flowers. The longer you have to find the perfect flowers; a good deal you may be found. Artificial flower can be found for sale at various times throughout the year craft shops. Almost every variety of flowers that you want to use is now made artificially, so do not worry that you will be satisfied with the kind of interest that you do not like.
Perhaps the best benefit to use artificial flowers instead of real flowers is their longevity. There’s nothing worse than picking the perfect wreath for the center only to have it will dry up and wither the following day. And who really likes to give a gift that will last only a few hours or at most a few days? (Or, better yet, who prefer to receive such gifts while) with artificial flowers? You can give that almost everyone likes, or you can decorate for the occasion or holiday and make sure that your hard work will endure long after your guests go home. After the party finished you can give an artificial flower bouquets as gifts or for the lovely parting gift for family and friends. Everyone agreed that the beautiful flowers and all the people who most agree that they make great gifts or decorations are perfect. Spread the word and soon everyone can also agree that the artificial flowers are a perfect alternative to any occasion.
Florists call silk and other artificial flowers "permanent botanicals," and for many years, they looked down on both dried flowers and artificial flowers as inferior. Today, silk flowers are prized for their versatility and are used by florists to enhance live plants and mingle with cut blossoms. This tradition is hundreds of years old and is believed to have been started by the Chinese who mastered the skills of working with silk as well as creating elaborate floral replicas. The Chinese used artificial flowers for artistic expression, but they were not responsible for turning silk flower-making into a business.
As early as the twelfth century, the Italians began making artificial florals from the cocoons of silkworms, assembling the dyed, velvety blooms, and selling them. The French began to rival their European neighbors, and, by the fourteenth century, French silk flowers were the top of the craft. The French continued to improve both fabrics and the quality of flowers made from them. In 1775, Marie Antoinette was presented with a silk rosebud, and it was said to be so perfect that it caused her to faint. The Revolution that ended Marie Antoinette's reign also dispatched many French flower artisans to England, and, by the early 1800s, English settlers had taken the craft with them to America.
The Victorian Age was the setting for a true explosion in floral arts, including both living and artificial varieties. The Victorians favored an overdone style of decor in which every table and mantelpiece bore flowers or other ornaments. Flowers were so adored that "the language of flowers" grew to cult status in which floral bouquets carried messages and meanings. During the mid- to late-1800s, artificial flowers were made of a wider variety of materials than any time before or since. Fabrics included satin, velvet, calico, muslin, cambric, crepe, and gauze. Other materials included wood, porcelain, palm leaves, and metal. Wax flowers were popular and became their own art form, and flowers were even made of human hair especially to commemorate deceased loved ones.
In the United States, lavish arrangements and apparel made use of permanent botanicals. The Parisian Flower Company, which had offices in both New York and Paris, supplied silk flowers and other artificial florals to milliners, makers of bridal and ball gowns, and other dressmakers, as well as for room decoration. They sold separate stems and arrangements that were either pre-made or commissioned. By 1920, florists began to add them to their products and services to cover those times when cut blossoms were in short supply.
The trend toward wreaths and ornaments using false fruit in the Italian della Robbia style flourished in the 1920s and 1930s and waned by 1940. Celluloid became a popular material for flowers in the 1940s, but the highly flammable flowers were banned from importation from Japan after several disastrous fires. Plastic soon overwhelmed the industry, however, and is still responsible for its versatility in the 1990s. Inexpensive plastics to realistic silk blossoms offer something for everyone.

Raw Materials 

Artificial flowers are made in a wide variety of materials depending on the market the manufacturer is reaching. In quantity, polyester has become the fabric of choice by flower makers and purchasers because of lower cost, ability of the fabric to accept dyes and glues, and durability. Plastic is also the material used most often for the stems, berries, and other parts of flowers for the market that includes picks—small clusters of artificial flowers on short plastic and wire stems that can be inserted into forms to make quick, inexpensive floral decorations—and bulk sales of longer stems of flowers that are also less expensive. Artificial flowers are made of paper, cotton, parchment, latex, rubber, sateen (for large, bold-colored flowers and arrangements), and dried materials, including flowers and plant parts, berries, feathers and fruits.

For more upscale silk flowers, silk, rayon, and cotton are the fibers of choice. Wire in a wide range of gauges or diameters is used for firmness in creating the stems (and in stiffening some flower petals and parts), but the wire is wrapped with specially dyed, tear-resistant, durable paper. No plastic is used. Other natural materials such as dried flowers, feathers, and berries are also significant in the upper end market. To make fruit and some berries, specialty suppliers manufacture forms that are precisely sized and shaped to look like the real fruit from mixtures of tapioca or flour base. The forms are sold to the flower manufacturer who dyes them and mounts them on paper-wrapped stems or stalks. All dyes and glues are also derived from natural materials.



Most silk flowers are sold by the stem. Their designs begin with nature. When a silk flower manufacturer plans to make a new design of a magnolia, for example, the designer takes a magnolia fresh from the tree and dissects it to use the actual parts as models. Dies called tools must be made to cut the silk petals. The exact petals are used to design these tools, and three or four are required to make the different sizes of petals that comprise the flower. The leaves also require several tools. The cutting dies are expensive to machine, so the manufacturer makes a significant financial commitment when investing in a new design.
Silk flower design is also heavily influenced by trends in interior design and fashion. Manufacturers attend trade shows to learn about colors and styles in wallpaper and furniture or summer dresses and hats that are forecast for one to two years ahead.

The Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process described below features high-quality silk flowers that are sold by the stem and are made for custom decorating, millinery, other fashion accessories, displays, package ornamentation, candy companies, and floristry.
  1. White silk, rayon, or cotton fabric are used for all petals, regardless of their finished color. The fabric is die-cut using the tools described above into the many petal sizes and shapes that go into a single type of flower. The petals are dyed in the first step of a detailed hand assembly process. The dyer uses cotton balls and paintbrushes to touch color onto the petals beginning with the edges of the petal and working in toward the center. Dyeing a single petal can take an hour of concentrated work.
  2. To give them their distinctive curves, wrinkles, and other shapes, the petals are inserted in molds to which heat is applied to press the petals into individual shapes. After they are pressed, some petals and leaves are stiffened with thin wires. The wires are inserted by hand, and glue is touched on to fix the wire in place.
  3. The separate flowers and sprays of leaves are assembled individually, but several of each may be used to construct a single stem. Another skilled worker has taken wire precut to specified lengths and covered it with floral paper or tape that has a waxy coating to make it self-sticking. Finally, assemblers add the individual flowers and sprays of leaves to the stem.
  4. The finished stems are taken to the packing department. Each stem is wrapped in florist's paper, and the stems are placed in boxes as if they are to be delivered like a bouquet of real flowers. The boxes are sealed and stored for shipment.

Quality Control

As with most hand-assembled products, silk flowers are inspected by workers at each step of the process. The assemblers are responsible for rejecting imperfect flower parts; for example, if the presser receives petals that have dye spots on them, the presser rejects the petals rather than proceeding with inserting them in molds for pressing.
Before the finished stems are wrapped and packed for shipping, they are subjected to three separate inspections. The finish inspectors work independently, but all three must approve the silk flower before it is hand wrapped and taped for boxing.


There are no byproducts from the manufacture of silk flowers, but the manufacturer's line may include hundreds of different varieties. Waste is very limited and includes wire and fabric scraps that are disposed. Dyes are all natural and can be recycled. The materials also do not subject workers to any hazards. The die-cutting machines are enclosed to protect the operator's hands, and other metals like the florists' wire arrive at the factory in pre-cut lengths. Both glues and dyes are non-toxic, and assemblers wear latex gloves as an additional safeguard.

The Future

New technologies like the permastem or permasilk processes that fuse flowers to their stems and makes them more durable continue to improve the functionality and beauty of faux flowers. Technology is also used to produce dried-look and soft-touch (velvet touch) plants; foliage especially has benefited from soft-touch processing that varies the sizes of leaves on a single branch and gives them a warm, gentle feel.
The future of artificial flowers is likely to imitate its long past. People like to be surrounded by beautiful representations from nature, but they also want the convenience of low-maintenance, everlasting flowers. Our homes and fashions benefit from the addition of artificial flowers, and many other businesses from millinery to confectionery rely on silk flowers to add the finishing touch to their products.

Benefits of choosing fake (Artificial) flowers over fresh:

1. Always in season
   - Artificial flowers are always in season. No matter what time of the year you plan your wedding, you are guaranteed to have the flowers you want, regardless of the month or weather. Brides often have their perfect fantasy wedding day planned out in their heads when they are merely little girls. They imagine the details of their soft, flowing dress, their handsome prince charming and their magically beautiful bridal bouquet. They are often disappointed to hear from their florist that the beautiful blooms they had imagined for a lifetime, are not available at the time of year they are being married. It's easy to avoid the disappointment, panic and stress of having to settle on any other flower. Simply order articifial flower arrangements and bouquets and have the flowers you've always dreamt of forever more!
2. Life-like and realistic
     - Today's artificial flowers are not as you might remember them to be in your mum's or grandmothers house, stuffed in the old pot in the corner collecting dust, looking very sorry for themselves. It is truely incredible just how real alot of the fake flowers look and feel nowadays. I've seen even proffessional florists be fooled by these fresh flower immitators! They really must be seen to completely appreciate their level of beauty and realism. Flowers created using latex are by far the most life like and you will hear them being referred to as "real touch" flowers. They deserve this name well as they look and even feel real. The attention to detail is nothing short of amazing. From the tiny veins through a rose petal to the immitation pollen on the stamen of a lilly, you are sure to be impressed.
  If you are considering delicate petalled flowers such as Frangipani's or Gardenia's etc. in your bouquet or wedding arrangements, artificial flowers are a must have as these types of fresh flowers simply will not last the day. There would be nothing worse than a bride carrying around a limp, bruised and petal-less bouquet so in my opinion, fake is defiately the best way.

3. Non-allergenic     - For those in the bridal party that may suffer from hay fever or have allergies to pollen, strong scents or perfumes etc. need not worry. No one wants to suffer through their wedding day with irritated, watering eyes and the sniffles and sneezes. Not to mention the red nose in the wedding photos! Unless you are unfortunate enough to have an allergy to latex or silk, artificial flowers would be the obvious choice for you and no one would even have to know the difference!

 4. Never wilt or weep     - Artificial flowers are guaranteed to never wilt or weep, no matter what the weather or how you may treat them. The stems will not snap, the petals will not bruise and they never need to be rehydrated. Your husband to be and his groomsmen could play a game of footy with your bouquet and with a tweak here and twist there, they'd be back to brand new again (almost!) They are the no fuss brides way to stunning bouquets all day long and forever more.
5. Early delivery = Peace of mind
     - When you choose artificial flowers from Just Fake It Bouquets, we will ahev them delivered to your door as soon as they are created. This means that you can have your wedding flowers and bridal bouquets in your hot little hands months before the wedding! What a relief! None of this organising to have them picked up or delivered the morning of the wedding and having to keep them chilled in the fridge until the moment you leave. Avoid all the hassle and have them all set and ready to go in advance. It's just that simple to take the stress and worry out of your wedding day and make it the romantic and elegant event you hoped it would be.
6. Last a life time     - It's no secret that artificial flowers outlast any fresh flower on Earth. This is precisely the reason why brides all over Australia and the world are making the smarter choice when using fake flowers in their bridal bouquets and wedding arrangements. Many wedding couples choose to give flowers to loved ones, friends and family who have special significants to them at the ceremony. With artificial flowers you are giving them a loving gesture of gratitude that will stay with them for ever, along with the memories that accompany it.
7. Easily Transportable
- Artificial flowers can be packed and sent anywhere in the world with ease. They are light weight and all they need upon arrival is a bit of a tweak and that's it! You can pack them in your suitcase if your having an away wedding and eliminate the worry of finding flowers for your bouquet at your destination. We can create your bridal package right here and ship it all the way to you no matter what state or country your in. We can send registered post or by courier upon request. Just Fake It Bouquets are the one stop shop to making your wedding flower dilema's disappear.

 8. Inexpensive and stunning
   - In comparison to fresh flowers, artificial flowers are incredible value for money and in most cases, come in cheaper than fresh flowers to begin with! Just think about it..... a fresh bouquet might last up to 2 weeks if taken care of, a buttonhole mayve a few days and the centre piece maybe a few more. If those flowers were made of silk or latex, their life expectancy has probably doubled yours! Just Fake It Bouquets has a range of affordable packages to choose from, or you are welcome to create your own by simply contacting Lee by phone, email or via the website. 

9. As individual as you are
- Every person is different and every bride and groom have their own idea of how they want thier wedding day to look and feel. Whether it's the glitzy glam, the powdery pastels or funky and fun look your after, we can make it happen. Your wedding should reflect you and your personalities, that's what makes the memory of your wedding day that much sweeter. From traditional and elegant to bold and quirky, Just Fake It Bouquets is your

Where to Learn More


Beveridge, Ardith and Shelly Urban. "Permanent Botanicals" In A Centennial History of the American Florist. Topeka, KS: Florist Review Enterprises, 1998.
Blacklock, Judith. Silk Flowers: Complete Color and Style Guide for the Creative Crafter Radnor, PA: Chilton Book Company, 1995.
Miller, Bruce W. and Mary C. Donnelly. Handmade Silk Flowers. New York: Prentice Hall Press, 1986.
  Thailand Artificial Flowers Companies, Thai Artificial Flowers Manufacturers - you can import artificial flowers from these companies
Foundation Of Silpacheep        

Chitlada Palace Dusit
Tel : (662) 281-1202, 282-1182, 281-1111
Fax : (662) 280-0338
Products : Artificial flowers polyester, Flowers hand wrapped flowers

All World Flowers Co Ltd
15 Moo 1 Klongkwang Pasicharoen
Tel : (662) 410-1806-8
Fax : (662) 410-1809
Products : Artificial flowers & Fruit using latex, Paper, Polyester

Display Tech (Thailand) Co Ltd
4/19 Moo 7, Lasal Sukhumvit Road Bangna Prakhanong
Tel : (662) 399-2981
Fax : (662) 748-7178
Products : Artificial flowers
E-mail :

Dunamis International Coporation Co Ltd
14th Floor, Modern Tower 87/110 Sukhumvit 63
Tel : (662) 381-4220
Fax : (662) 381-4461
Products : Artificial flowers
E-mail :

East Asia Direct Co Ltd
95/380 Rama 3 Road Chongnonsee
Tel : (662) 681-5433
Fax : (662) 681-5434
Products : Artificial Christmas trees, garlands and wreaths made in Thailand.
E-mail :

Enlighten Co Ltd
455/468 Soi Sinchai 3 Charansanitwong 35 Bangkoknoi
Tel : (662) 864-8617-8
Fax : (662) 412-5987
Products : Natural Dried Flowers

Excel Industrial Group Co Ltd
42 Ladprao Soi 109 Klongchun Bangkapi
Tel : (662) 731-1025, 377-3730
Fax : (662) 731-1024
Products : Artificial flowers clay
E-mail :

Finesse Flowers Manufacturer Ltd Part
22/40 Moo 6 Soi Phanijakarn Thonburi Jaransanitwong 13 Phasichareon
Tel : (662) 410-1562-5
Fax : (662) 410-1566-7
Products : Artificial flowers, Fruits, Vegetable & plants using latex, Polyester

Flora World Export Co Ltd
50/451 Muangthongthani 3 Chaengwattana Road Pakkred
Tel : (662) 503-3716, 503-4181, 503-4182
Fax : (662) 503-4183, 503-3290
Products : Artificial flowers, Fruits & Vegetable using latex

Florac Fantasy Co Ltd
199/11-13 Ngamvongwan Tongsonghong Ponmaung
Tel : (662) 589-7075, 591-3592
Fax : (662) 589-6266
Products : Artificial flowers

CS Century Co Ltd
1692/17-22 Theparak Road Samrong Nua
Tel : (662) 384-7602-3, 758-0497
Fax : (662) 384-7603
Products : Artificial flowers
E-mail :

Flower International Co Ltd
157-158 Moo 8, Soi Kangval 2 Phetkasem Road Omyai Sampran
Tel : (662) 420-4882, 420-4791
Fax : (662) 420-3179, 420-3187
Products : Artificial Fruits, Vegetable, Flowers handwrapped
E-mail :

COE Co Ltd
310/433 Pincharoen Village 3 Srongprapha Road Sikan Bangkhen
Tel : (662) 566-1210
Fax : (662) 566-2502
Products : Artificial flowers, Fruits, Vetgetable, Flowers handwrapped

Four Star Industries (Thailand) Co Ltd
12th Floor, Sathorn Thani Building 92/28-31 North Sathorn
Tel : (662) 236-6123-6
Fax : (662) 236-6127
Products : Artificial flowers polyester, Flowers handwrapped
E-mail :

Future Flora Co Ltd
14/1 Sukhumvit 21 Klongtoey
Tel : (662) 661-7358-60
Fax : (662) 661-7357
Products : Artificial flowers & plants
E-mail :

Glory Flora Co Ltd
242 Soi Rongrean, Yeepun Road Rama 9 Road Huaykwang
Tel : (662) 319-5107-8
Fax : (662) 319-5110, 319-5106
Products : Artificial flowers hand wrapped

Grand United Trading Co Ltd
19/135 Moo 7, Rama 2 Road Samaedum Bangkhunthien
Tel : (662) 416-6635, 416-8635
Fax : (662) 416-8635
Products : Artificial plants & flowers hand wrapped

Grandlux Floral International Co Ltd
1722 Lard Prao Road Wongtonglang
Tel : (662) 933-7020-1
Fax : (662) 316-8607
Products : Artificial flowers, fruit & plants

Greenery Flower Import Export Co Ltd
62/110 Bangyai City Center Soi 4 Bangyai
Tel : (662) 595-0422, 903-1400
Fax : (662) 595-0422
Products : Artificial flowers hand wrapped

GTG Industrial Co Ltd
490/6-7 Soi Nathong 6 Rachadapisek Road Huaykwang
Tel : (662) 274-6781, 274-6783, 274-6784
Fax : (662) 274-6785
Products : Artificial flowers & plants
Company Name: Jinhua HMT Art & Craft Co., Ltd.
Street Address: 303, 3rd floor, Building 3, North side of Qingkou District, Jiangdong Street
City: Yiwu City
Province/State: Zhejiang
Country/Region: China (Mainland)
Zip: 322000
Telephone: 86-579-85613342
Mobile Phone: 13967428568
Fax: 86-579-85613342


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